Poezi nga poeti i njohu kazak
Alpamys FAIZOLLA – young Kazakh poet. He was born in 1995 on 6 March, in the city Oral which is in the west of Kazakhstan. Now he lives in Astana, capital city of his country. Alpamys is author of two poetry books – «Monument to the pure love» and «The star of my sky-heart». His poems were translated to English, French, Chinese, Turkish, Persian, Russian, Bengali, Azerbaijani languages and were published on foreign literary newspapers and magazines.
In this mortal world,
To whom do I tell my grief?
The sadness like a crocodile,
Is eating my soul remorselessly.
I am twin with birds,
Which are flied away, and left my motherland.
If you count my pain,
It is more than fishes in the sea.
My throne does not give me happiness,
My wealth also does not give me happiness.
Who will understand my state of mind,
Which is like a secret of pyramyds.
The wind speared my soul,
Birds, please, say my regards to my mother land.
Like the yellow desert here,
There is a yellow yearning in my heart!
I miss forests of my motherland,
Here the ground and sky are – as a flame.
My eyes pour bitter tears,
Like salty water of the sea.
I miss the smell of sagebrush,
I miss the songs of Kypchaks.**
Ants and tarantulas of my land,
I miss all of them!
All people around me,
Say that the river Nile is holy.
But I miss the Zhaiq river,***
Nobody knows my grief.
Among wrinkled old deserts,
My heart also became wrinkled.
I see in my dreams at nights,
Kypchak steppes which are far away.
Here is sultry heat,
It burns my heart.
This is my sad destiny,
What can I do with it?!
The crocodile in the Nile,
Ate my happiness.
The wild wind on the deserts,
Stole my joy.
I came here as slave, and became a ruler,
But I am unhappy, because I am far from my motherland.
I stopped the invasion of Mongols, who were as wild river,
However I could not become happy.
I miss to breath
With fresh air of my motherland.
I can die without a dream,
if I see at least once the heavenly Kipchak steppes!
*Sultan Baibars – ruler of the Egypt in 1260-1277. He was born in Kypchak steps (current territory of Kazakhstan) in 1223. When he was 14 years old he was captured by Mongol invaders, and was sold as a slave. Thus, as a slave, he ended up in Egypt. But he was very gifted, talented, strong and courageous, when he grew up, he became the ruler of Egypt. As a sultan (ruler) he was very wise and brave, so protected his country and muslims from Mongol and crusader invaders.
**Kypchaks – the tribe who lived and live in modern Kazakhstan territory. Sultan Baibars was Kypchak. Kypchak is one of tribes of Kazakh nation.
***Zhaiq is a river that flows through the west of modern Kazakhstan, where Sultan Baybarys was born.
My mornings are so bright since you came to my life,
You are my sweet happiness, you are sweet as honey.
Your white face is always shining with kindness,
As you have swam in brilliant milk of the sun.
The love in my heart is burning like a flame,
It melts snows and ices of the life.
You are white heart of the moon, my dear,
Who came down to Earth to be wife of poet as me.
There is no spot in your conscience, it is very clean,
You are main character of my life-book.
There is a smell of flowers in your soul,
I am enamored to fragrance of your heart!
You are mystery who conquers with gentle power,
So many men have dreamed of you.
You are heavenly transparency
Who had been poured when the rainbow smiled!
Every morning wind reminds me you,
I miss you, and my heart is in fire.
Do you remember? There was a full moon on the sky
At that night when we met for the last time.
There was a cheerful music in my soul,
Because you were with me together at that night.
The full moon, which is very beautiful as your eyes,
Wished happiness to us.
But now I am as weak flower in the cold autumn,
Because we are not together now.
That night our picture together has been saved forever
On the full moon.
Relationship is like clear lake,
When strong wind strikes it will not be calm.
Our picture together which has been saved on the full moon,
Will be a monument (memorial) to our pure love.
But only we, me and you, can see it…
I did not feel the grief when I was a child,
Now I smile happily when I remember my childhood.
We used to run and to shout “Take us with you”,
If we saw the flying plane on the sky.
I loved to wander and to play when I was a child,
But unfortunately my childhood escaped from me like the animal which saw the hunter.
I many times flew with the plane when I grew up and became adult,
But I still miss my childhood when I run after plane.
The heavens and the earth are witnesses,
That my childhood never will return.
Flying planes did not take with them us,
But they took with them our lovely childhood!..
Why mountains do not say that they are enormous?
Why stars do not say that they are so light?
Why oaks do not say that they are so strong?
Why flowers do not say that they are so beautiful?
Why sky does not boast with its highness?
Why fire does not boast with its heat?
May be all of them remember the order of Creator?
May be all of them feel that they are slaves of God?
Even if you have the golden throne,
Even if you are the star on the sky.
The Universe is an Ocean,
And the Earth is a Ship,
All of us are the passengers in this Ship.
We are going to direction from which we will never return,
We are passengers, that is why we do not need unnecessary things.
Unfortunately, how many people do not understand the meaning of this travel,
Even if they are in the list of humanity.
You avoid to do good,
Like a someone without any mistake or a sin.
No doubt, eventually will come a flood,
To finish the life of the Earth.
Therefor someone is making a big ship,
The other is making a small boat.
Meanwhile, someone is not preparing at all,
When flood comes, where will he escape?!
I do not want to be a river,
Which freezes in the winter.
I do not want to be a sun,
Which sets at the evening.
I do not want to be a flood,
Which wastes its power.
I do not want to be a lightning,
Which flashes just once.
I do not want to be a leaf,
Which will be dead in the cold wind.
I do not want to be a star,
Which will fall one day.
I want to be like a magic garden,
Which flowers will never die.
I want to be a Poet,
Whose poetries will never die.